Egg update

24 06 2013

It’s been almost a week since our first hen began laying. We’ve had six beautiful blue eggs from her and yesterday our sliver laced wyandotte layed her first egg! I snapped a quick pic with the two laying hens and each of their first eggs.

6.23.13 eggs

The eggs are still a little on the small side, but I’ve already seen an increase in size from our ameraucana over the last week. It’s quite a delight to watch the hens settle into the nest to lay the eggs, adjusting the nesting material to suit their needs.

I’m a little surprised our buff orpington isn’t laying, as she’s the oldest in the flock by two weeks. She’s not showing any signs of laying anytime soon either. Maybe she’s just a bit of a late bloomer?

And then there were two!

20 06 2013

And this time she layed it in the nest box next to the blown glass eggs my grandmother gave me. My great-grandmother used them with her chickens in the 1920s and my grandmother saved them all this time. How cool is that?

secondegg 6.20.13

The first egg is here!

18 06 2013

And it’s beautifully blue! Now if only she can make it to the nest box next time…

6.18.13 first egg

Edited to add: a farm fresh brown egg for size comparison (below).

6.18.13 egg comparison